who we are

Principle One was founded by Al MacIvor, Maggie Scott and Ben Sadler to support UK Law Enforcement in addressing the impact of technology and legislative change on the delivery of their core mission. Over the last six years, our team has grown to over 70 customer facing staff, bringing together expertise in systems engineering, business consulting, software delivery and data analytics.
We work with a diverse range of government organisations, helping them tackle a variety of challenges and responding to an ever-evolving threat landscape. Our customers include the Home Office, the Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and the National Crime Agency; we are also part of the Vivace community working across a range of government clients through the Home Office’s Accelerated Capability Environment.

While many of our team have worked at the heart of major UK government change programmes, others have operational and front-line backgrounds. We also run a successful graduate scheme, enabling us to bring fresh ideas to the sector and introduce innovative ways of working. All our team bring a passion for making a difference by helping our customers achieve their mission goals.